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Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:58 am
by ValliKat
This just came up this morning because I seem to have an extra need for caffine today.

During the week at work I get my coffee for free so I don't like to complain about the quality. One of my coworkers makes a pot each day and he says so long as we supply the "fixins" he'll supply the coffee. Which works out really nice. Usually.

Today though (and to a lesser extent yesterday) I'm starting to wonder if this guy is cutting back on the caffine. Somehow I'm not getting quite the same kick I normally do. It seems to still be the same brand (although I suppose he could be refilling the can with something else), but its somehow just different. Maybe that's just me though. I really don't want to ask about it because it is free. So we'll see what the rest of the week brings and if I'm still noticing the difference.

So anyway, this got me wondering about coffee. I like "plain" coffee myself. Nothing fancy. Just a nice medium blend. The only time I really want a flavored coffee is when there is some form of alcohol involved, like with an Irish Coffee. For my morning pick-me-up though its just your garden variety java with cream and sugar - actually splenda these days.

So what about you guys? Do you drink coffee? Regular or decaf? Iced or hot? Flavored or not? Are you a plain Jane type like me or do you go for a gourme blend? Do you grind your own?

What's your java?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:50 am
by Eleanore69
hehe it's very very rare when I drink coffee.

By "rare" I mean that I only drink +- 10 coffee cup per year.

When I drink it I like it very strong but with 2 sugar and a lot of milk. I usualy drink it when I'm invited to birthdays, some rare restaurant occasions, special dinners like xmas and stuff...

In fact I'm more about liking cappuccino (the one with milk, not creepy water).

Milk ftw! yay! ;P *giggles* some of you will understand ^^

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:01 am
by Eadaoin
My brother and I used to sneak into our parents' coffee supplies when we were younger - I drank the coffee, he drank the creamer - but it's been a while since I've been able to drink drip coffee straight.

When I was a barista, I got hooked on experimentation. Just going crazy with all the syrups. Since I generally don't like the coffee taste (with the exception of some of the local roasters who have some really nummy varieties), I mostly stick to steamed milk (usually flavored, since I don't like the milk taste either :P).

When I order coffee somewhere, I usually just get a plain latte. When I make something for myself, it's either a vanilla latte with extra foam or a toasted marshmallow-cinnamon mocha with insane amounts of whip cream.

I try to keep things simple, especially after having to deal with orders like . . . a grande rice triple split-shot 2:1 vanilla-raspberry 3:1 mocha at x temperature with x number of ice cubes. (No joke. I've had people ask for a specific ratio of regular to decaf and regular to sugar-free syrups.)

I love building espresso drinks for other people. And I like to throw in some "art". Fun fun.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:17 am
by Dasubervixen
I like my coffee plain also. A&P eight o'clock has been my brand for years. I mostly drink it black with no sugar. Sometimes I'll nibble on a piece of chocolate with my coffee. When I'm really in the mood for something different. I'll add a big scoop of coffee flavored ice cream to it.

I had Starbucks coffee once. Thought I was going to die.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:43 am
by ValliKat
Dasubervixen wrote:I had Starbucks coffee once. Thought I was going to die.

Yeah I am no fan of the Starbucks coffee myself. I remember I used to work at this one office that was a bit off the beaten path. There was no easy access to run out for coffee so they thought they were being nice by putting Starbucks in the employee cafeteria. Ugh! I was so disappointed!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:29 pm
by Talidro
and here I thought we were calling out to Coffeewench for some heroic help, like Batman and the batlight!


As to the drink, coffee I never touch the stuff, I canNOT stand the taste of coffee in any form, I can't even eat coffee flavored ice cream.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 5:13 pm
by Eleanore69
oh oh if we were talking about Coffee(wench) I could not have said 10 cup a year only ;P *just giggles a lot*

*big hugs Coffee if you are around* lol ^^

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 7:52 pm
by Pengwynn
I'm more the social coffee drinker,
Like I will get it if I'm running around and want a drink...
I'm a HUGE Starbucks fan... My idea of a perfect day is to go to Barnds and Nobles get a coffee and look at books :)

I like the cold Starbucks coffees you can buy at walmart/ gas stations
or if I go I will get (depending on the season) Cafe' vanilla frap or chi tea latte (in the summer) Cafe' vanilla latte (in the cold times) pumpkin spice late (in the fall) Peppermint mocha (around Christmas)

Or sometimes if I can only get regular coffee I will drink it with French vanilla creamer and lots of sugar

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:00 pm
by bellianna
I used to work in a coffee shop so I have some really distinct preferences. :D

Now at home I like drinking coffee wtih chicory, two sugars and milk/land o' lakes fat free half and half. (that ff half and half is really good) I can drink chicory coffee black with just a sugar if I'm broke. Its really really mellow and good.

When I'm at a shop and I want a dessert drink its a white chocolate caramel breve, iced or hot depending on the weather. Extra shot depending on my exaustion.

When i want a regular, not too sweet drink and they have it i get a Mexican latte, thats a latte with sweetened condensed milk for a sweetener. Its creamy and makes me wish I was in California again :) I also like a really nice cappuccino, one sugar if any.

I like coffee.... coffee ice cream too.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:44 pm
by Jugsmalone
Well, I can say that the Wench comes with her own creamers and she is very sweet indeed.

Now as for the other stuff, I never started even drinking coffee till I was 40, now its a must have item. I like it very sweet and creamy so I use a lot of splenda and lots of cream, at home I buy the vanilla flavored creamers...Regular cream is ok but I must have Splenda not Sweet and Low ever. At times I will ask the waitress to bring me a small side of Vanilla suyrp if I am really wanting flavored. I love the Iced coffee as well but not the Hazelnut blend.

I think if I had to now , I could actually live out my life haveing breakfast as my only meal of the day with all the coffee I could drink and be perfectly happy.

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:05 pm
by Acushla
*ponders* day to day coffee drinking (not less than 1 pot of drip) is usually Folgers French Roast. sugar no cream

when I REALLY NEED a serious pick-up I do a french-press Sumatra (very dark roast).

And for true emergencies see above but add 2 shots espresso to a 16 oz cup of the Sumatra.

When that isn't enough ...... call the Coroner cause I will be dead

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:19 am
by Mynkaa
*runs in* Tim Hortons for the win! I drink coffee all day long. Maxwell House at home. Hortons when I'm out.
Usually no flavors, except the occasional hazelnut or cinnamon *runs out giggling* :mrgreen:


Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:04 pm
by Audrins
I LOVE coffee. I started drinking Folgers Dark Roast, French Roast etc...when I was only 14. My father worked graveyard shift and would usually get up around 3pm (right when I was off school) and we would sit in the living room, drinking coffee and discussing life, politics, religion all that jazz. Now I HAVE to have it every morning. I don't feel complete if I haven't had my first cup, at least, of coffee and a cigarette. I also drink decaf in the evening sometimes.

As far as coffee shop drinks. There's a little coffee shop in my town (that I like to support because star bucks usually gets the most business) and I always order an Iced Mocha, two shots of espresso and occasionally mix it up by getting something else even more chocolatey on occasion.

I drink regular coffee black, black with sugar, or with cream and sugar (light on both). Yay Coffee!

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:58 pm
by Cryonic
Coffee...hmm interesting discussion all I have to say is I own a shirt with the following quote on it:

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

I will be looking for more at DCon.

I also prefer 'Bucks over Timmy's, though I am drinking Timmy's as I type this because I didn't feel like going across the street and the line up was too long.

Re: Coffee!

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:48 pm
by Fraitliner
tasters choice instant... yea i want it NOW!! heh
milk n sugar and all day long and not too hot so i can have it NOW!! lol