Hello to all wanna be dancers!!!

Just what it says. :)

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GSP Dancer
GSP Dancer
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Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:00 pm

Hello to all wanna be dancers!!!

Post by Jugsmalone »

Hello girls and guys thinking of applying to be a GSP dancer. I just wish to add some insight as to what a Dancers job is. It is to supports the DJs of Gridstream Productions. This does not mean at the big events and extravaganzas but every week and as many times as you can in that week. It is not a means for fame and fortune, believe me the dancers make no money and are the poorest of all players. We give aways more credits than we ever keep, we enjoy the party life and if we chose to level and get exps we do it mostly when a DJ is not on Air this does not mean you can not level and team when they are live but it does mean that if you would rather be out slashing hecklers instead of attending a show than perhaps the dancers are not what you are looking for, we mostly have had our fill of the fighting and the killing and the leveling and now we devote most of our time in promoting GSP we advertise for them we direct people to parties we hold contest and answer dumb questions but we do it with a smile and with dignity and grace even when some one is rude and obnoxious we are polite and inform them that we are sorry but disapprove of there behavior and are putting them on ignore. We never stoop to there level of childish behavior and we never ever Dis a DJ. I hope this helps you with your decisions. I'll see you on the dance floor,
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GSP Dancer
GSP Dancer
Posts: 222
Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:32 pm

Post by Pengwynn »

could we sticky this??
RK1- Pengwynn
RK2- Jenibell
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